Thursday, September 24, 2015

Boston Baked Beans

Today's recipe comes from the United States and was sent to me by a Postcrosser in Chicago. Boston Baked Beans are common throughout the US though they originated on the East Coast in Boston during colonial times. European immigrants learned about baked beans from the Native Americans and added molasses which was imported with rum from the Caribbean then exported from Boston. Sliced hot dogs are commonly served in Boston Baked Beans throughout the US and also known as Beanie Weenies, which is a popular dish with kids. I hope you enjoy this recipe!

To make Beanie Weenies, prepare this recipe as instructed, and during the last 30 minutes of cooking, add one package of hotdogs cut into bite-sized chunks and browned in a skillet. Deglaze the skillet with some water, add to the beans, and finish cooking.

Bon Apetit and Happy Postcrossing!
