Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Egg Weight Dough

Today I received a postcard from Doris in Germany and it has a special recipe I have never heard of before called Egg Weight Dough. She said this recipe comes from her mother for when you don't have a dough recipe on hand, but you need something quick such as on holidays. I love these family recipes, they are so special!


4-5 eggs
Fat (she likes butter)


Fruit (she suggests raspberries)


You weigh the eggs and give the same amount of sugar and fat, mix until it is a bit foamy. At last you whirl the same amount of flour into it. You may put some grounded nuts above before baking (also raspberry possible) or fruit after baking. Hope you like it!

I'm looking forward to trying this with various gluten-free flours to see how they work out. I love playing in my kitchen!

Bon Apetit and Happy Postcrossing!


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