Friday, June 5, 2015

Peppermintcrisp Tart - A Taste From South Africa

This recipe comes from a lovely woman in South Africa who not only sent me a postcard and recipe, she sent an envelope with two postcards and stamps! The postcard with the view of the sheep grazing is what the landscape looks like in her area. It is so beautiful!

This dessert sounds amazing! I adore mint and chocolate and coconut biscuits, but I've never had them together. Here in the United States I suspect Andes Mints would work quite well as a substitution for the peppermintcrisp chocolates.


1 can caramel treat (360g) (canned caramel or dulce de leche in the United States)
2x 250mL cream
2x packets of tennis biscuits (any type of coconut biscuits will do)
3x peppermintcrisp chocolate (grated, +- 150g)


  • Whip cream and add caramel treat
  • Add chocolate, but leave a bit for the top
  • Dip biscuits in water and put in dish - one layer
  • Throw a bit of cream over and then another layer of biscuits
  • Repeat cream and biscuits until you end with a layer of cream, the thinner the layers the better!
  • Throw the remainder of the chocolate over. 
  • Put in the fridge until set. Enjoy!
This would make a fantastic Christmas holiday dessert!

Bon Apetit and Happy Postcrossing!


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